Dragon Buckle

We found this dragon engraved metal at a beach and had to dig through pebbles to get it. It looks like it might have been a front of a belt buckle, but were not sure, there's nothing on the back to indicate that.

A Chinese couple that works in a store nearby says it reads, Long Life and Happy Life. There's a two-headed dragon through the center. It seems to be made out of an unusual metal.

Old Antique Whistle

Dragon buckleThis antique whistle we found on a walking path where people walk there dogs. Too bad it is broken in two. It was about 6 inches down in the ground.
Maybe I broke it digging it out, but I doubt it, we're pretty careful when we dig, ever since we found our first bracelet.

(Spectrum XLT/ Relic mode)

Dragon Earring

We've found a lot of earrings this summer, but this one has got to be the most interesting of them all. A dragon earring, found in the dry sand at Scarborough Beach last week.

Dragon EarringMy wife said she thought it was foil when she found it, which is understandable.

She found it with the XLT 5 minutes after walking out onto the beach. We were surprised that we found anything on that beach, we've heard it's so overhunted.

Old Buckles

Old buckles and purse closureOne of the club members, Bill, got permission to detect an old 1940's foundation he found in the woods, and he asked us to go with him to check it out. We found all these buckles. They are all silver or brass. Some of them still had the decaying leather strips still in them.

We found several old axeheads and misc. stuff too. Lots of iron and old tools. Bill's son found a huge old harp, But it was so heavy it fell and broke in half. Bummer.

Old Coin Purse Closure

We found this at the old foundation too. It's half of a closure of the top of a purse. It was buried by the steps leading to the cellar. We couldn't find the other side to it. It's made of copper.
(Spectrum XLT/ Relic mode)