Ghost Story pg 2
After Supper
At the supper table, Sergei and his girlfriend Shelly our new metal detecting friends, suggested that the four of us go out to the large field behind the cottages to practice detecting silver coins for the "Silver Hunt" the next day, and take some pictures. We all thought it was a great idea. So we quickly grabbed our metal detectors and cameras and left.
We knew we didn't have much time before it got dark. The sunset looked like it was going to be awesome.
The old farmer's field hasn't been plowed for years. There is a nice thick cushion of grass that is kept well maintained. We tucked some silver coins into the grass so we could practice detecting them, and adjust our detectors.
Vlad used his "Nikon D 100" to grab some photos of the sunset.
I asked Vlad if he had taken any photos of the place we we were staying. I inparticularly was referring to the large "lighted" cross in the courtyard. We all, of course, had been too busy metal detecting to be taking any pictures, so he took several for me at this time.
This one of the cottages turned out to be the best. And you can see how quickly it's becoming dark.
Most of the other hunters had returned to their cottages for the night, or they were sitting on the porches sharing their treasure hunting stories. Some of them were still out metal detecting under the streetlights.
It was such a comfortably warm evening, we couldn't resist staying outside, and the four of us wound up being the only ones that headed for the field.

The sunset kept getting better and more colorful by the second. Someone suggested that we better start taking some pictures of ourselves before it gets too dark. After taking a couple of photos, Vlad decided to enable the flash so you could see our faces rather than silhouettes against the bright colorful sunset. He laid his camera on a rock and set the timer, but in this photo, he didn't make it back to our position until after the flash went off. You can see the results of using the flash in the lower portion of the photo.
We kept taking pictures until the sun went down.
Left to Right: Carol, Vlad, Shelly, and Sergei
Just to clarify things, before we go to the next page, the camera that we used is a digital SLR and not a film camera.
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