AA Token
This is a cool token my wife found at the second beach we went to, while I was fixing the brakes. She was scanning the sand dunes and it was about 6 inches down.
It was a copper color when she found it, but she polished it up on the way home, and now it shines like gold. Probably brass.
It seems to be a token they would give to Alcoholics Anonymous members. It has the Serenity prayer on the back.
(XLT/relic mode)
Dear Friend - I am sure that by now you have had a million comments on your token :)....but just in case, it actually is a new 4 yr. token --- where it says HOW on the reverse, it would have said AA prior to 1989 when AA filed for legal right to the AA name. Most companies honored that (except for a current Canadian vendor who shall remain unnamed - lol)....
The person who lost that token is pretty sad about it ---- it was given for 4 yrs. of continuous sobriety - they can (and no doubt have) replace it - but it is usually given by someone special in the alcoholics recovery. It's value is about $2 --- but it's meaning is priceless. It is perhaps a bit karmic that you found it and are excited about it :) May it bring you good luck and happiness :) Susan B. (owner of a 15 yr. token)
You Pay, Weatherhead Co. token
Here's a different kind of token. It's the size of a half dollar. The front says, THE MARK OF QUALITY, THE WEATHERHEAD CO and the back says, ROUND & ROUND SHE GOES, WHERE SHE STOPS NOBODY KNOWS Then through the middle is an arrow, and YOU PAY
When we were taken a picture of this side we realized there is a bump in the middle that causes the token to spin when you flick it. Found six inches deep at the high tide line. (XLT/relic mode)
Old Franklin Institute Science Museum token
Do you see two Ben Franklins or a vase? We found this token in an adjoining field in our lucky park Here is some information we located on the Franklin Institute Museum website.
Possibly this token was made from a coin machine around 1934 that Ben Franklin invented! (XLT/ Relic mode)
Air Force Reserve token
We were shocked when we found this token. Not because it's a Reserve token, but because someone inscribed our names on it and placed it on the beach as a marker. My wife found it about 30 feet from a trash barrel on the left side of the beach. I was teasing her about finding some gold, so when she found it, she didn't even look at it, but brought it over and dumped it on the blanket in front of me that I was laying on, and said, Here's your gold. I looked at it and thought she was playing some kind of trick on me. When she came over later to look at it, she couldn't believe it had our names on it. (XLT/relic mode)
Update: We found out that a treasure hunting buddy of ours did it. There's apparently a new thing going around where detectorists are wanting to mark their territory. Some are writing stuff like, "Bob was here." Etc.
The Old Stone Bank token
This may be the coolest token we have ever found. I thought it was a gold coin at first. It's still in pretty good shape.
On one side it says, RHODE ISLAND MERCENTENARY 1636 to 1936, the other side says, THE OLD STONE BANK 1819 - 1936 and around the edge Providence Institution for Savings Providence, RI
Token Websites
Roger Williams Mint
US Transit Tokens